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Federico Veronesi exhibition

From 05-14-2021 to 08-29-2021

museo della scienza Brescia - wildlife

Federico Veronesi exhibition as part of Photofestival 2021.

Federico Veronesi exhibition at Museo di Scienze Naturali shows the intensity of the fruitful relationship among nature, science and art. An invitation to reflect on the cultural and environmental value of protecting and enhancing the natural capital, as well as to reflect on the importance of geo and biodiversity for the development of life on earth.

This exhibition stands out for its  naturalistic artistic quality and it is proposed as a “place” to observe “the wonders of nature”, capturing from the author’s vision elements of a culture made of respect; elements of an authentic relationship with what is around us, what is part of us and what we belong to.

The emerging science of ecology is the science of complexity and interdependence, both micro and macro. We are therefore called by Science and Art to refound our deep understanding of life, made of infinite interconnections. All systems are linked by a close relationship in an ecosystem that is not immortal. Nature is therefore a resource, far from being unlimited, and it must be protected. A concept that now seems to have become obvious to everyone; however there’s still much to be done: a profound cultural and political transformation and a change in lifestyles.

Between these two dimensions there is an active and constructive interdependence in support of the planet and of the communities well-being. “It takes time, commitment, patience and knowledge”, these are the words that Veronesi uses to characterize his style and his approach to photography. A faithful representation of reality and of the natural scene: “landscapes and portraits” of environments and subjects to respect and to look after.

It is therefore worth reflecting together on the need to change step and to change look, in order to support the functioning of the ecosystem. The step is marked by the dynamic ability to observe, analyze, understand, find solutions, reflect, discuss, evaluate and take appropriate decisions to the questions posed: science offers its conceptual tools.

The look instead is open on nature, on transgenerational and environmental values.
