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final evening of the exploratory phase


The meeting closing the first phase of the project Spazi Attivi will take place on 30 June, 18:00, in the premises of Urban Center Brescia, in via Moretto 78.

During the evening of Thursday, after a general presentation of the results obtained from the areas exploration laboratories, it will be possible to see the 56 proposals received in an exhibition held at Urban.lab. space. Later there will be a time for discussion, in order to let the participants comment on the work carried out and to connect to each other.

A list of the proposed projects is already visible in an interactive map at the link:

SpaziAttivi – participatory process for social aggregation

The evening is part of the cycle of meetings named SpaziAttivi, a participatory process organized by Urban Center Brescia, adviced by the neighborhood and the city associations to identify urban open spaces to be turned into social gatherings sites, through an urban regeneration and a climate change adaptation plan.

The meetings, open to all citizens, took place between May and June, a calendar divided by the different zones of the city, aiming to identify abandoned or underused public areas that could be transformed into active spaces through an urban redevelopment, in an optic of climate and social resilience.

The initiative is part of the larger project: “Un Filo Naturale, a community actively involved in the challenge of transforming the climate change into opportunities”, promoted by the Municipality of Brescia, in partnership with AmbienteParco, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo per i Cambiamenti Climatici and Parco delle Colline di Brescia.

Urban Center Brescia – The urban culture laboratory

Urban Center Brescia, the urban culture laboratory, deals with interdisciplinary research, communication and participatory planning on topics related to the city and its territory. Acting as a link between the administration and the territory, Urban Center Brescia represents a fulcrum for the citizens, aiming to broaden civic engagement in the urban debate.

Within the project Un Filo Naturale it is responsible for the creative involvement of the citizens, organising tactical urbanism actions and raising climate change awareness.

